In-home lactation support
I feel that many of the patients that I saw in the clinic setting in the past, could have been better served in their home setting, yet the option for home visits was not available at that time for our health service facility. I recall the challenges that mothers recovering from cesarean delivery faced in transporting themselves and their newborns to an outpatient clinic, especially when arrangements for the care of other children had to be made. Some women would successfully latch and feed their babies in the outpatient clinic, yet were not able to repeat the same success in their homes. I have longed to offer an in-home breastfeeding support service to mothers, and am grateful for the opportunity to do so now. I believe that every woman who chooses to breastfeed should have a lactation consultant who helps them to feel comfortable and confident in their abilities. Thus, my goal in starting Love at Home Lactation is to bring my decades of experience as a lactation consultant to families into the comfort and convenience of their own home, and even in their workplace setting (when allowed).
Workplace lactation support
When some breastfeeding mothers return to their work, they begin to worry that their milk supply might be diminishing. Some mothers of eager breastfeeding babies describe unexpected new latch difficulties, when babies begin using bottles or alternative feeding methods when mothers are away. Fortunately, some babies are being cared for in on-site child facilities where they work. In order to prevent loss of work time to get breastfeeding assistance, I am able to come to you in your workplace for lactation support. If your babies are not on-site at your workplace, we can provide ‘maternal support’ such as breastpump utilization or assessing other maternal issues. We can also consult with interested employers in developing a “lactation / baby friendly” workplace environment.
Collaboration with other lactation consultants and health care providers
As a registered nurse and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) I consider myself to be a part of a team of various providers that help mothers and babies. Regardless of our practice location, our goal is to facilitate optimal health for those within our care. The longer a baby is able to breastfeed or obtain breast milk, the greater the benefits (go here to discover benefits to mothers and babies). I am able to assist my hospital or office based lactation consultant colleagues in providing one time home visits and developing a plan of care that can be followed in their clinic setting.
Laraine Clark, RN, IBCLC